listening through sanguinarius' discography. i'm trying to move away from spotify a little
listening through sanguinarius' discography. i'm trying to move away from spotify a little
the name of the rose
type: film
"An intellectually nonconformist friar investigates a series of mysterious deaths in an isolated abbey"
can definitely see where pentiment got some of it's ideas from. i enjoyed it, sean connery is funny in this. hrmm i want to read the book the film is based on, i feel like i would like it more.
type: game
"a historical narrative-driven game focusing on character development, heavily stylized art, and choice-driven storytelling in early 16th century Bavaria. Players will play as Andreas Maler, a clever illustrator caught up in a series of murders in Tassing and Kiersau Abbey over the course of twenty five years"
mal auf deutsch weil ich zu faul bin meine gedanken über das spiel auf englisch zu verfassen
pentiment hat wirklich wirklich viel charm.
ich glaube es sticht deswegen als historisches spiel so heraus, weil die welt so farbenfroh und lebendig dargestellt wird, ganz gegensätzlich zu diesen düsteren oder heroisierten "mittelalter" vorstellungen, die so verbreitet sind. das leben der menschen in tassing ist nicht ständig miserabel und wird gleichzeitig auch nicht iwie romantisiert. die charaktere sind total menschlich und nachvollziehbar und trotz ihrer zeitgenössischen mentalität und problemen in modernen menschen wiederzuerkennen. i mean pentiment spielt auch eher gegen reformation als spätmittelalter aber es ist für ein spiel um das Zeitalter vergleichsweise echt gut recherchiert. Es geht generischen fantasy ideen aus dem weg und spielt nicht nur um einer "ästhetik" willen zur reformation. Und die story passt auch einfach rein und kommt daher sehr natürlich.
pentiment ist außerdem einfach echt schön stylisiert, besonders die dialogboxen (mit den charakter-spezifischen schrifttypen und den schreib-animationen) und der buchmalerische artstyle. die tintenkleckse bei betonten wörtern und die korrigierung von buchstaben finde ich voll nett.
es gibt trotzdem einige kleinigkeiten, die ich am spiel auszusetzen habe, aber idk not worth mentioning.
werner gehört wohl zu einer meiner favorites unter den charakteren. hier ein paar sachen aus dem spiel mit ihm:
ich hatte das spiel auf englisch gestartet, aber nach ein zwei stunden auf deutsch gewechselt, weil es passender schien. werde es aber vllt nochmal auf englisch durchspielen.. es gab auch ein paar szenen bei denen ich n bissl schmunzeln musste. das nürenberger vs. innsbrucker Zoll bit war lustig. generell bin ich froh den rapscallion background genommen zu haben, führte zu einigen unterhaltsamen dialog-optionen.
und ich erkenne mich irgendwie irgendwo in Andreas' struggle mit der kunst & der liebe und mit seinem eigenen Verstand wieder. hm lol.
alles in allem war ich super vertieft in die story und hatte richtig spaß am spielen L:
noch ein paar mehr gifs & screenshots:
this german documentary on fences was in my youtube recommendations today. i'm obsessed with the overly critical and eloquent commentary. just incredibly entertaining
i refuse to count this as a review but i've also been playing project sekai a little because of a friend... i'm not a fan of gacha games at all and to be completely honest the character designs are very. bland. but i do like some of the songs and rhythm games are objectively fun.
i have a thing for bassists so shiho is probably my favorite of the pjsk cast. even if she looks like anime girl nr. 2394.. this upgraded card of her is also kind of nice i guess i like her outfit
picked up pentiment (logging it here as soon as i've finished it!) and the mention of till eulenspiegel unlocked a long-lost memory of our village play about him i was in growing up. i found some old videos of me at age 7 dressed as a peasant singing on a stage.. quite embarrassing.
still, a really funny guy looking at him now. i like these illustrations of him and this stamp
some albums i've been listening to this january. dots and loops (expanded edition) by stereolab is an honorable mention
from the sea to the land beyond - sea power
the art of being a girl - julee cruise
oh perilous world - rasputina
to be an angel blind, the crippled soul divide - the tear garden
an insatiable high - masayoshi takanaka
the burning world - swans
the new sound - geordie greep
the unacceptable face of freedom - test dept
type: game
"a poker-inspired roguelike deck builder all about creating powerful synergies and winning big"
i'm late to the party as always but i started playing balatro! i get why people were talking about it so much now, it's honestly a really solid deckbuilding roguelike and the graphics are pretty charming as well. i like the different joker variations and the references on them
after 2 or 3 failed runs of only going for high card hands i tried something else and immediately had a good run lol
went to the comic & game shop near me to see if they had any new gunpla model kits and got this stupid sd zaku. he isn't finished yet but i tried panel lining for the first time and it doesn't look terrible hey.
i'm working on a page for my stamp and gunpla (+ artbooks, CDs, books?) collection so you might see the finished zaku there if i end up getting the page done.. it might stay as a wip forever though
i've been listening to a lot of masayoshi takanaka's albums while going on walks. his music reminds me of summertime.. ahh i want the sun to come out again.
here's a good youtube video on takanaka
interstellar (2014) (rewatch)
type: film
"When Earth becomes uninhabitable in the future, a farmer and ex-NASA pilot, Joseph Cooper, is tasked to pilot a spacecraft, along with a team of researchers, to find a new planet for humans."
watched this with my mom. i liked the cinematography and of course the gripping soundtrack by hans zimmer. together they really are the backbone of this film.
also having seen 2001: a space odyssey now, i can definitely see the influence it had.
+ while rewatching i realized that those reoccuring nightmares of large bodies of water and gigantic waves i've had for years were probably evoked by interstellar lol
the rocky horror picture show (1975)
type: film
"A newly-engaged couple are stuck with a flat tire during a storm and must seek shelter at the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-n-Furter, a transvestite scientist, who unveils his latest creation: a muscular man named 'Rocky'"
this has been on my watchlist for a while. what a ride lol, tim curry was great in this. bring back overtly perverted and queer films.. (meant in the most positive sense)
happy new years! i ended up sleeping through it but i dont really mind..
year in review + resolutions: i'm very satisfied with my 2024, even if i procrastinated a lot. i started getting out more and grew closer to a lot of people + reconnected with some i haven't talked to in a while. i went to berlin and leipzig, wrecked my graphic tablet and got a new one, reworked my website and managed to get surgery after a very long wait.
i want to work harder this year!!! here's to hoping i spend more time reading books and drawing, as well as working on personal gamedev projects. reviewing more films and albums is also a new year's resolution i want to uphold.
a little private, but now that I've had surgery i want to pay more attention to my appearance and social life and live out the things i couldn't do for the past few years to the fullest.
I would also love to pick up writing as a new hobby.. thinking about worldbuilding is something i literally lull myself to sleep with every night, so I'd love to write down some ideas and improve my writing skills. maybe this will help me finally get together a group for some tabletop games I've been meaning to dm.
making ceramics and clay figures would also be cool.. i guess in general i just want to create more for 2025
oh also here are my favorite words of 2024: