my name is adrian and i'm a german compsci student who also likes art, literature and history. i spend my free time playing videogames, listening to music, reading and most of all creating things. hrmm what else is there about me.. i like collecting physical media like (art)books, vinyls, CDs, etc., even if they can be accessed digitally and am interested in the exploration of storytelling through different mediums, especially through videogames.
i can also be found on some social media platforms, but my accounts there are mainly for interacting with friends and not very engaged with the public. i'm hoping to share some projects here in the future but atm this site just functions as a sort of web-diary
You can listen to some songs i currently like while browsing this site by clicking the button on the right. note that dragging the webamp around can be a little buggy because of the iframes
also note that this website was handcoded for chrome/firefox on pc and does not work on mobile devices. good luck though
link back to my site using this button: